At Richey Wellness, we use the functional wellness model to optimize wellness and treat disease. This model focuses on addressing the underlying CAUSE of the disease rather than a symptom management approach.  We recognize that each of us are unique individuals that deserve personalized care.



With a foundation in functional medicine...

Nurse Practitioner Tiffany Richey works with you to determine the root cause for weight gain or an inability to lose weight. She tests for food allergies, and conducts genetic testing to determine the optimal weight-loss strategy for you. She helps you to clean up your gut and correct hormone imbalances. Tiffany focuses on shoring up your foundation so you can establish a healthy weight. This can be done with supplements and/or prescription medication as well as aggressive lifestyle modification. If you need ongoing assistance, she will work with you to create a medical program and develop meal plans for ongoing weight loss and maintenance.

Our weight loss strategies focus on treating the cause of the weight gain rather than fad diets that may only work temporarily.

Our weight loss strategies focus on treating the cause of the weight gain rather than fad diets that may only work temporarily.